Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Food Enthusiast

I love food, a lot. As you can probably tell by the titles of my other epithets, I am very enthusiastic about my interests. Cooking, for me, is how I express my creativity. I am not an artist, and I am only half of a musician, but I consider myself a descent cook. My wife and I try to be as creative as possible when searching for new foods to make. In the past few weeks, we have made Swiss fondue, gyros, gumbo, cordon blue, homemade pasta noodles, Thai rice wraps, kinidliki (Czech dumplings), bread pudding, pumpkin rice pudding--all together, those foods represent eight different countries. What can I say? We like to experiment. 

BYU Sports Fanatic

Next to cooking, BYU sports are my passion. More specifically, BYU football is my passion. I have followed Cougar Football since my junior high years, and am as avid of a fan as there is. I have not missed one time of checking up on the latest BYU football news in the last nine months (Sundays excluded of course). Only 74 days left before the kickoff of the new season, but who is counting?

Movie Nut

Second only to staying up-to-date on BYU Football, staying up-to-date on the upcoming movies is my favorite pass time. I am a huge comic-book-movie nerd. I have seen every Marvel movie, many of them twice. I was so excited for the release of Age of Ultron that my wife--in pity for my sanity I am sure--made me a countdown chain for the opening day. Needless to say I loved the movie so much that I dragged my wonderful wife along twice to see it with me. Ant Man comes out on July 17th (24 days), but again, who is counting?

Lover of . . . My Family

My wife and I were married on August fifth of last year. This year has been the happiest and most fun of my life. I may sound like a solitary nut job with my BYU sports, movies, and recipe hunting, but what really makes me happiest is spending time with my wife. We love camping, watching movies (no surprise there), cooking (again, no surprise), playing games, and having fun doing absolutely nothing. My wife is my hero, not only because she puts up with me, but because she makes everyone around her feel happy. An avid blogger, she is also very exited that I started this blog for class.