Wednesday, July 15, 2015

5 Social Problems in America

1. Terrorism: News reports of terrorist groups in the middle east are a daily occurrence in the U.S. With the increase of the use of social media to gain support for their causes, terrorist groups have become a much larger, global threat. Many people are torn over the idea of engaging in full-scale ware or keeping a "safer" distance from the fight.

2. Minimum Wage: Minimum wage employees continue to fight for increases in their pay. Increasing the minimum wage, while good in the short run for minimum-wage workers, can ultimately lead to higher inflation and financial instability. 

3. Healthcare: With the recent initiation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of previously uninsured Americans now have health care. The problem is that many of the newly insured are in much poorer health than was anticipated, so many health insurance companies are raising their premiums. The cost of healthcare is too high, but the question of if the ACA will be effective is yet to be seen. 

4. Same-Sex Marriage: The new decision by the Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage is a very heated topic. The issue of religious rights vs individual rights will continue to gain attention. Many, on both sides, fear future discrimination.

5. Illegal Immigration: The United States is home to millions of illegal immigrants. They are part of the economy and take jobs that many Americans are not willing to do. However, a slue of problems arises with having so many illegal immigrants. Arguments both for and against illegal immigration are not in short supply. 

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